An event dedicated to the protection of animals took place at the State Museum of Nature of Armenia, during which was organized an educational film about Armenian eagles. The event was attended More »

Environmentalism is first of all a certain way of thinking and way of life that needs to be reinforced from an early age by deepening children’s knowledge of nature and cultivating love More »

«Նկարում են փոքրիկ բնասերները»

«Նկարում են փոքրիկ բնասերները»

On February 20, of this year at 15:00 at the State Museum of Nature of Armenia will be  presented the opening of the exhibition by a headline ”  Little Nature lovers are More »

Through its activities, the Museum is particularly trying to reinforce and deepen the knowledge and nature of the younger generation as much as possible. The beauty of nature and the variety of More »

Տեղի  ունեցավ  «Բնությամբ պետք է ապրել» խորագիրը կրող ցուցահանդեսի բացումը

Տեղի ունեցավ «Բնությամբ պետք է ապրել» խորագիրը կրող ցուցահանդեսի բացումը

To live by nature is what gives a human the most vital  thing in the world – life. Nature gives  a human  the power to create a cosmic opportunity through his beauty More »



An event dedicated to the protection of animals took place at the State Museum of Nature of Armenia, during which was organized an educational film about Armenian eagles. The event was attended by 9th grade pupils of Gazprom Armenia Educational-sports Complex. Through the excursion, the participants got acquainted with the vultures of Armenia and their


Environmentalism is first of all a certain way of thinking and way of life that needs to be reinforced from an early age by deepening children’s knowledge of nature and cultivating love and care for the child. On February 20 of this year at 15:00 at the State Museum of Nature of Armenia took place

«Նկարում են փոքրիկ բնասերները»

Նորքի հայորդյաց տուն

On February 20, of this year at 15:00 at the State Museum of Nature of Armenia will be  presented the opening of the exhibition by a headline ”  Little Nature lovers are drawing” by the pupils of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and AGBU Nork Hayordats House. Time Actions Notes 15:00-15:05 Welcome speech Gayane